Dear Tony,
Yesterday, our fellow human beings of this earth, those kooky Americans, legally agreed that a man can marry a man, a woman can marry a woman and a man can still marry a woman, even if that woman is a Kardashian. Americans think that pumpkin can be a dessert, they shoot inanimate objects for shits and giggles, and they think the laugh track on a sitcom is actual people laughing at an actual joke. They also have a collective obsessive belief in their constitution, a page or seventy written by some old white guys in suits a few centuries back. That constitution upholds a rule of law; laws, rules, regulations and agreements that the people of America recognise and uphold. 83% of America also identify as Christian. #ohsaycanyouseemypoint
Dear Tony,
In the United Kingdom, a country that eats a sheep’s stomach stuffed with blood and guts (more than once in a lifetime and not ironically), Marriage Equality was passed as law in 2013, that’s way back when ISIS was just the Labrador in Downton and about 6 months before your personal reign as the King of Australia was inflicted upon the good munchkins of Oz. In the UK, a country so conservative that people apologise more often than they pee, a country where a very old lady is in charge, so in charge that she’s even the boss of the God Bothering Band 60% of the population all believe in, a country where you were born Tony, yes in the UK, boys can be brides if they want to. #godsavedthequeens
Dear Tony,
In Ireland, the world’s greenest butt of every joke, in Ireland, the place with more priests than people, in Ireland, the home of vindictive Catholic nuns and backyard abortions and bloody Westlife, yes that bad. In Ireland, the people of Ireland voted to allow marriage equality because the Taoiseach gave the decision to the people and the people, who have blood like you and skin like you and a brain like you realised that in the grand scheme of things, who gets married is no ones business but theirs, and there will still be Guinness and whiskey so all is be sure to be sure. #youcanevenmarryleprechauns
Dear Tony,
As a heterosexual woman, who loves all the people, even the 3 men who didn’t love me back, as a woman with ovaries and uneven breasts and scarlet ruby crimson periods and softness and bright red lips and a brain… I do my own taxes (in three effing countries) and I built my own Malm, Klakke and Mikke and I buy all the shit I want myself and I buy a lot of shit for residents of your sweaty realm too because you’ve reduced their welfare to a pittance and I don’t think that a 57 year old white dude in a suit is the right person to represent women like me as the minister for goddamn women’s affairs. #notunlessyougetyourperiodtoo
Dear Tony,
As someone who recognises the traditional owners of the land over which you reign as Lord Commander of the Watch, I’m equally unsure if a white dude in a grey suit is the right person to be the Minister for Indigenous Affairs. Tony, are you jealous? Are you worried about missing out on all of the fun that the women and indigenous people are having? Are you so bored with your book about the dude who turned water into wine that you want to drink actual wine and dance in the dark with the ladies and the Koori? Are you sick of being a middle-aged white dude, typically the most privileged demographic in society that you want to slum it with us?
Dear Tony,
We know that isn’t really true, because when poor beggars and bastards and bludgers and brown people and black people beg for entry into your own personal King’s Landing, you send them back from whence they came, so you aren’t really that into poor people are you? #ididntfuckingthinkso
Dear Tony,
When I was a little girl, every day after school, I ran home to watch Playschool and that was made by the ABC. When I was a bigger girl, I used to run home to watch Kath & Kim, Spicks & Specks and The Late Show. They’re all ABC shows too. Tony I remember, from way back when I was very little, that the A in ABC stands for Australia, not Abbott. So when a broadcasting corporation is for people in Australia, I don’t think you can get your Murdoch on and play with it likes it’s yours to do with as you wish. I don’t always like all of the shows on the ABC, and I really didn’t like it when they stopped having Bettina on Playschool, but I didn’t go full Ramsay Bolton at the telly, and shoot it with a crossbow, because then I wouldn’t have any telly at all would I?
Dear Tony,
I know that a lot of people really really really like you, people also like the Kardashians. You both occupy a space in the general ether of my life that doesn’t really compute. I don’t get why anyone, who has kids like you do, would want to leave the place they built worse for wear. My sister has a kid, and I don’t think she has cleaned her house since you became PM, but she has created a home for that little kid to thrive, and draw, and run, and even sing Elsa songs so long as her mum is in the shower. My brother has kids too, and he’s taught them to ride bikes, to sing Metallica and to quote the Family Guy. I don’t always like what my brother and sister do, but if I did the equation, they are giving more, creating more and leaving more than they’ve taken.
Dear Tony,
Did you do the maths in your equation? If you take everything out of the ground, what wealth will your daughters have? If you spread so much hatred, how will your daughters, or the sons, or the people who stay behind after you’ve been, ever know love? Tony, money is bloody great, I love having it too, but I can’t hug it, kiss it or eat it. When will you see that the moral welfare of your castle is declining with every nasty thing you say and nasty thing you do?
Dear Tony,
Last night I was at the pub with my mates, just like you might have been. Last night, a man from Germany (once the most despised nation of earth) described my beautiful sunburnt country as ‘backward’. Tony, I was ashamed, I was embarrassed and I was lost for words. Even I, smartypantsgirlymouth have run out of wisecracks or witty remarks to defend you on this.
Dear Tony,
Australia is a country of people and places as diverse Lego bricks. There’s the little ones that sting like fuck when you tread on them, red ones, blue ones and ones shaped like trees and when you put it all together it makes a beautiful permanent home for all the different little Lego people. Tony, Australia is not your personal plaything to shape in your own image. You are not God. You are not fair. You are not a loving King. Tony, despite all your new knighted grey-suited mates, you are not a King. #noteveninwesteros
Dear Tony,
When this episode of Game of Abbott ends, I pray there are enough of us left to rebuild the Lego house that you, like an indignant toddler, stepped on. The average Australian is 37 years old. So there are more of us young’uns than there are of your old white-dude grey-suited mates. I’ve got three bags of Lego under my bed waiting to see the sun down south after you’ve gone.
All my love, rainbow queer straight and sassy love,
#bridgetbythebridge at Tower Bridge missing her Harbour Bridge