Taking a short break from being the busiest, most stressed person in Christendom; I’ve spent a considerable number of hours reading the news. I’ve read the Blue version, I’ve read the Red version and I’ve even read the Green version. I’ve read the Star Spangled version, I’ve read the Southern Cross version and I’ve read the dieu et mon droit^ version. I’ve had time to reflect on what’s going on, I’ve had time to think about what I would do if called to vote in November. I’ve thought about the horrific consequences if my person doesn’t win.
The world is already a vicious, volatile, violent and vulnerable place, the last thing we need is an unmitigated, unmeasured, unstoppable buffoon in the top job. But, rather than giving any further credence to pig swill, I’m going to focus on the positive. #holidayhasturnedmeintoahippie
I know that many Americans don’t like her; they don’t like her voice or her hairdo. Dearest American Pies, the good news is that a hairdo cannot run a country, and even when one has the most irritating voice on earth, one can still be a decent leader (I’m pointing the finger at you New Zealand). #muddleearth
In case you live in Pennsylvania and you need a little push in the right (or, as the case may be, left) direction, here are my top nine first-rate things about Hillary.
- She has a vagina. I am well aware that it takes more than unmutated X chromosomes to run all 50 states, but given the litany of Lotharios who have stewarded the Star Spangled Spanner, let’s just see if some Lady Love can give them a push in the direction of limiting access to automatic weapons, arresting the death toll from ‘shoot to kill’ policing and sorting out that mind boggling obsession with green juice. If a few less people die #imwithher
- She’s a democrat. If you have read more than one paragraph of anything I’ve ever written, you’ll know that I am a latte-drinking-leftie, a literary luvvie and a conscious capitalist. I’m one of those who thinks that the wealthier must endeavour to look after the poorer, who thinks that paying taxes is the responsibility for every wage-earning human outside of North Korea, one who thinks that abortion is not a topic for political debate (NOT EVER, POLAND) and that the gays can marry who ever the fuck they choose. So it stands to reason that #imwithher
- She’s a feminist. Which in and of itself is not interesting, but considering her opponent is a misogynist, xenophobic misanthrope; having a POTUS who is ‘pro’ anything seems like a wiser choice than someone who is so very ‘anti’ everything. Anti everything except their own self-aggrandisement and self -tan. If she’s with girls then #imwithher
- She was the woman scorned. We’ve had a phalange of philandering presidents; Jefferson (D), Harding (R), FDR (R), Eisenhower (R), JFK (D), LBJ (D)* and even her own husband (D). The great irony of this adulterous archive being that the USA purports to be the Christian Moral Compass we must all be striving to chase. Surely it is now time for us to try out a radically different model. How about someone who has not been the cheatER on the throne. Let’s give the top job to the cheatEE. She knows what it takes to lipstick-smile a day through the heinous hours so #imwithher
- She is articulate. You may not like the voice, you may not like the Powersuit or the hefty hand gestures, but HRC can argue, squabble and skirmish her way out of just about anything. Private email abuse, SNL skits and direct questions about her husband’s dodgy dalliances. She doesn’t resort to personal attacks and incessant interruption and she doesn’t make shit up so #imwithher
- She supports creation rather than eradication. Creating jobs, creating housing, creating opportunity, creating equality. Funny how all that shit seems to ring truer and carry more weight than demolishing, decimating, refusing and/or building-a-walling. I love Lego, I love to build so #imwithher
- She has stamina. I am 18 years younger than HRC. A big day for me starts with an early morning workout, followed by a working day slaving over emails and corporate political intrigue, a night on the fermented grape juice and a quiz show. I am not keeping a dawn-until-well-after-dusk schedule of interviews, briefings, meet and greets, being a Grandmum, managing a team of 35 campaign staffers and god knows what else she does in 24 hours. She really is a superhero so #imwithher
- She has experience. Call me crazy, but I am in the business of hiring people to do a job. Call me even crazier, but when I am interviewing for what is required, I usually look for relevant skills and experience. I reckon if you want to be POTUS, having experience as SecState or Senator is that relevant experience I would be interviewing for. I wouldn’t be looking for a golf club developer, a reality TV star or a serial model marrier. She has the experience to do the job so #imwithher
- She wore a red suit. #dropsthemic
As I said at the start, you don’t have to love her, love her voice or her hairdo; you just have to understand the consequences of not voting for her.
^That’s not the French one…
*US President’s prefer to go by three letter acronyms than actual names; it is easier to spell for their Southern Constituents. Leaning Left or Right is no harbinger for fidelity