There has been a lot of noise about just how shit 2016 was. Haaaa Chimaamaa the circle of life, it is a path unwinding, etc. Elton speaks the truth of the ancient Gods…and he is the only one 2016 left alive to act as their earthly messenger.
In 2016, very sadly, a lot of things departed; Jareth, Snape, His Purpleness, A European Great Britain, the voting intelligence of any human and maybe even the cats not living in an urban UK metropolis, the value of the Sterling, Princess Fucking Leia, George Fucking Michael, Sunshine, New Girl, Australia’s Olympic Gold Medals, Australia’s Eurovision win #wewererobbed The list of leavers goes on!
Even more depressingly, a lot of things arrived; Boris Fucking Johnson, Donald Fucking Trump, Zika, The Omnipresent Face of Farage (unfortunately not a cheap chemist cologne), Madonna’s 24 year 4 hour late Sydney show, my third chin and (for those of us dedicated to Sir David A) we were even treated to one of the seven biblical plagues, the South Asian Locusts.
Hakuna Ma-fucking-tata.
The slightly warmer world is still turning, the slightly dumber Bieber still has phenomenal abs, the more than slightly destroyed Aleppo looks like it might make it through the end of the month, the slightly millionaire-er Adele is still reigning supreme and Her slightly fluey Majesty is still kicking on strong. #noneofusreallylikechurch
And me, not-so-little old Bridget by her closed-for-three-months-of-this-year Bridge. Well I didn’t chuck it all in either. Albeit, there were some pretty close shaves!
Would you believe that turning 40 was actually the best thing that happened to me this year?
Surrounded by my favourite people, surrendering my little Thamesside flat to family from afar we feasted on fish, we frolicked in matching T-shirts and we Frenched. As in, we went to France.
We risked an Air Traffic Control Strike to visit my French Exchange Family and a closed-for-the-holidays museum. The Smartarse saw the birthplace of the A380, Squeal got her Elsa on for the first time in snow, The Art-sist-ologer and I shared a bed for 4 weeks without killing each other. But most importantly, like Madonna in Lucky Star, I was accompanied by my omnipresent duo of back up dancers. Over my right shoulder was my Motherbear, over my left, my lover Bear*. I was safe, I was loved, I was happy. #intakesavillage
Unbeknownst to me, “she’s behind you!” that same week, a series of events would unfold that would bring to bear one of the most confidence shattering slaps-to-the-face of my adult life. I am well past it now, and far better off as a result. Looking back at a shitstorm is easy when your plane is jet propelled with pride, with love, with integrity, and with a sense of humour seasoned in more countries, more adventures and more glasses of Pinot Grigio than any little mean girl.
And we did so much!
Not one but TWO mud obstacle races. I can Clean & Press 40kg, Deadlift 110kg and Single Arm 24kg. That might mean nothing to you, to some it will seem pitiful; but for a woman who has licked, sipped and sucked her way from one end of the globe to the other, it is no insignificant feat. #strongasanox
I have a phenomenally satisfying new job. I get to parlay fransay all day. I get to hang out with people who enjoy me; I am teaching and learning again. And I get to do all that on a Mac and iOS. #openingdoorsnotwindows #winkwinknudgenudge
I spent another year finding firsts.
Here at home, I saw The White Cliffs of Dover that are unexpectedly surrounded by the White Council Housing of Dover. At Twickenham I watched Australia founder as the Empire re-conquered her. I ran the Cotswalds, with an actual Princess (Zara, not the clothing kind). I sailed a ferry across the Mersey, I pedalled Penny Lane and discovered the Chav in its native Liverpudlian habitat. I saw a big red Hairy Coo, I ate Haggis, I spied wild seals in the Ness and all that while squired by the ultra-rare Wild Bear in a Kilt. #nopants
Further afield… I had a first in Nevada, a city that made me never want to be home harder. In Tokyo, I spied Mt Fuji, scoffed native Sushi and drank enough sake to spew free. In Boston, I wandered around a closed Fenway, ate sickeningly rich Chowder by the Bay and heard that weird accent in their native parlay. In Prague, I ate too much pickled smoked pork, drank so much I couldn’t talk and danced with the Kaiser till we could not walk. #rhyminglang
But then, to fill my already overflowing cup, The Body had a baby! He came, he saw, he went to sleep; a lengthy bundle of joy filling my Saturday afternoons with smiles. The Critique and I saw more stars tread the boards. I watched Glenda Jackson make her return to the stage after 25 years. I still can’t drive but I have a license. Adele filled my ears and reduced me to tears. And AG became a Gramma. #goodwillhunting
And as if that wasn’t enough to fill a year with joy, there was a third Bridget movie!! She got her Mark Darcy again, she made her family laugh, she drank too much at a party, she wore big pants.
And you wonder why this diary is titled #bridgetbythebridge?
Happy 2017 everyone.
*I have made it clear in a previous post that similarity in name for Mum and G is completely coincidental; she has called herself that name for many years while I named him after Bear Grylls for their shared passion for drinking water from elephant shit