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Barbara Harper

You always have had the gift to get it down on paper - and if you were able to shout it to the world. Well written Marisa.


Great piece, you I know I love your thought provoking writing! I do disagree with your pro-abortion stand though. In the world today, most aborted fetuses are, you guessed it-female. Our current women are being raped and abused all while the future women are not even being given a chance to live...
The interesting thing about Kate's pregnancy was that from conception she was carrying a baby. The royal baby was never a foetus or an embryo, he was assigned the dignity of the status of a human being in utero. Was it because he had a purpose and an important role in life? Why a future king more than say a future teacher or a housewife or a lawyer or.....?
The abuse against women is an outrage, thanks for writing it all down and putting out

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